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Traffic classification

Traffic classification is an automated process which categorises computer network traffic according to various parameters (for example, based on port number or protocol) into a number of traffic classes. Each resulting traffic class can be treated differently in order to differentiate the service implied for the data generator or consumer. Traffic classification is an automated process which categorises computer network traffic according to various parameters (for example, based on port number or protocol) into a number of traffic classes. Each resulting traffic class can be treated differently in order to differentiate the service implied for the data generator or consumer. Packets are classified to be differently processed by the network scheduler. Upon classifying a traffic flow using a particular protocol, a predetermined policy can be applied to it and other flows to either guarantee a certain quality (as with VoIP or media streaming service) or to provide best-effort delivery. This may be applied at the ingress point (the point at which traffic enters the network) with a granularity that allows traffic management mechanisms to separate traffic into individual flows and queue, police and shape them differently.

[ "Traffic generation model", "Network traffic control", "Quality of service", "The Internet", "Network packet", "internet traffic classification" ]
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