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In probability theory, an ƒ-divergence is a function Df (P  || Q) that measures the difference between two probability distributions P and Q. It helps the intuition to think of the divergence as an average, weighted by the function f, of the odds ratio given by P and Q. In probability theory, an ƒ-divergence is a function Df (P  || Q) that measures the difference between two probability distributions P and Q. It helps the intuition to think of the divergence as an average, weighted by the function f, of the odds ratio given by P and Q. These divergences were introduced and studied independently by Csiszár (1963), Morimoto (1963) and Ali & Silvey (1966) and are sometimes known as Csiszár ƒ-divergences, Csiszár-Morimoto divergences or Ali-Silvey distances. Let P and Q be two probability distributions over a space Ω such that P is absolutely continuous with respect to Q. Then, for a convex function f such that f(1) = 0, the f-divergence of P from Q is defined as If P and Q are both absolutely continuous with respect to a reference distribution μ on Ω then their probability densities p and q satisfy dP = p dμ and dQ = q dμ. In this case the f-divergence can be written as The f-divergences can be expressed using Taylor series and rewritten using a weighted sum of chi-type distances (Nielsen & Nock (2013)). Many common divergences, such as KL-divergence, Hellinger distance, and total variation distance, are special cases of f-divergence, coinciding with a particular choice of f. The following table lists many of the common divergences between probability distributions and the f function to which they correspond (cf. Liese & Vajda (2006)). The function f ( t ) {displaystyle f(t)} is defined up to the summand c ( t − 1 ) {displaystyle c(t-1)} , where c {displaystyle c} is any constant.

[ "Law of total probability", "Cumulative distribution function" ]
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