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Limit analysis

Limit analysis is a structural analysis field which is dedicated to the development of efficient methods to directly determine estimates of the collapse load of a given structural model without resorting to iterative or incremental analysis. For this purpose, the field of limit analysis is based on a set of theorems, referred to as limit theorems, which are a set of theorems based on the law of conservation of energy that state properties regarding stresses and strains, lower and upper-bound limits for the collapse load and the exact collapse load. Limit analysis is a structural analysis field which is dedicated to the development of efficient methods to directly determine estimates of the collapse load of a given structural model without resorting to iterative or incremental analysis. For this purpose, the field of limit analysis is based on a set of theorems, referred to as limit theorems, which are a set of theorems based on the law of conservation of energy that state properties regarding stresses and strains, lower and upper-bound limits for the collapse load and the exact collapse load.

[ "Upper and lower bounds", "Finite element method", "plastic limit analysis", "Discontinuity layout optimization", "Upper bound theorem" ]
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