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Short-time Fourier transform

The short-time Fourier transform (STFT), is a Fourier-related transform used to determine the sinusoidal frequency and phase content of local sections of a signal as it changes over time. In practice, the procedure for computing STFTs is to divide a longer time signal into shorter segments of equal length and then compute the Fourier transform separately on each shorter segment. This reveals the Fourier spectrum on each shorter segment. One then usually plots the changing spectra as a function of time. The short-time Fourier transform (STFT), is a Fourier-related transform used to determine the sinusoidal frequency and phase content of local sections of a signal as it changes over time. In practice, the procedure for computing STFTs is to divide a longer time signal into shorter segments of equal length and then compute the Fourier transform separately on each shorter segment. This reveals the Fourier spectrum on each shorter segment. One then usually plots the changing spectra as a function of time. Simply, in the continuous-time case, the function to be transformed is multiplied by a window function which is nonzero for only a short period of time. The Fourier transform (a one-dimensional function) of the resulting signal is taken as the window is slid along the time axis, resulting in a two-dimensional representation of the signal. Mathematically, this is written as: where w ( τ ) {displaystyle w( au )} is the window function, commonly a Hann window or Gaussian window centered around zero, and x ( t ) {displaystyle x(t)} is the signal to be transformed (note the difference between the window function w {displaystyle w} and the frequency ω {displaystyle omega } ). X ( τ , ω ) {displaystyle X( au ,omega )} is essentially the Fourier Transform of x ( t ) w ( t − τ ) {displaystyle x(t)w(t- au )} , a complex function representing the phase and magnitude of the signal over time and frequency. Often phase unwrapping is employed along either or both the time axis, τ {displaystyle au } , and frequency axis, ω {displaystyle omega } , to suppress any jump discontinuity of the phase result of the STFT. The time index τ {displaystyle au } is normally considered to be 'slow' time and usually not expressed in as high resolution as time t {displaystyle t} . In the discrete time case, the data to be transformed could be broken up into chunks or frames (which usually overlap each other, to reduce artifacts at the boundary). Each chunk is Fourier transformed, and the complex result is added to a matrix, which records magnitude and phase for each point in time and frequency. This can be expressed as: likewise, with signal x and window w. In this case, m is discrete and ω is continuous, but in most typical applications the STFT is performed on a computer using the Fast Fourier Transform, so both variables are discrete and quantized. The magnitude squared of the STFT yields the spectrogram representation of the Power Spectral Density of the function: See also the modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT), which is also a Fourier-related transform that uses overlapping windows. If only a small number of ω are desired, or if the STFT is desired to be evaluated for every shift m of the window, then the STFT may be more efficiently evaluated using a sliding DFT algorithm. The STFT is invertible, that is, the original signal can be recovered from the transform by the Inverse STFT. The most widely accepted way of inverting the STFT is by using the overlap-add (OLA) method, which also allows for modifications to the STFT complex spectrum. This makes for a versatile signal processing method, referred to as the overlap and add with modifications method.

[ "Discrete Fourier transform", "Fourier analysis", "Scale space implementation", "Hartley transform", "Balian–Low theorem", "Twiddle factor", "polar fourier transform" ]
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