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Production string

If Wiktionary has a definition already, change this tag to {{TWCleanup2}} or else consider a soft redirect to Wiktionary by replacing the text on this page with {{Wi}}. If Wiktionary does not have the definition yet, consider moving the whole article to Wiktionary by replacing this tag with the template {{Copy to Wiktionary}}. The production string is a part of an oil well that is composed of the production tubing and other completion components and serves as the conduit through which the production fluid flows from the oil reservoir to the surface through the wellhead. Its purpose is to both contain the fluids from contaminating the environment or eroding the other well structures, such as the casing. The production string is a part of an oil well that is composed of the production tubing and other completion components and serves as the conduit through which the production fluid flows from the oil reservoir to the surface through the wellhead. Its purpose is to both contain the fluids from contaminating the environment or eroding the other well structures, such as the casing.

[ "Wellbore", "Casing" ]
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