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Piophila casei

The cheese fly (Piophila casei) is a species of fly known for infesting human foodstuffs. The larvae of this fly are known as cheese skippers due to their ability to launch themselves several inches into the air when alarmed. When consumed, the larvae can survive in the intestine, causing enteric myiasis. Mesonotum finely chagrined, not pubescent and with three lines of longitudinal chaetules.'Soies ocellaires écartées l'une de l'autre'. Abdomen elliptical. Anterior margin of inter ocular space, reddish or orange. Face reddish. Cheeks wide. Cheese fly larvae are used to produce casu marzu, a traditional Sardinian cheese.

[ "Larva", "Forensic entomology", "Piophila megastigmata", "Piophila", "Cheese skipper" ]
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