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Patent visualisation

Patent visualisation is an application of information visualisation. The number of patents has been increasing steadily, thus forcing companies to consider intellectual property as a part of their strategy. Patent visualisation, like patent mapping, is used to quickly view a patent portfolio. Patent visualisation is an application of information visualisation. The number of patents has been increasing steadily, thus forcing companies to consider intellectual property as a part of their strategy. Patent visualisation, like patent mapping, is used to quickly view a patent portfolio. Software dedicated to patent visualisation began to appear in 2000, for example Aureka from Aurigin (now owned by Thomson Reuters). Many patent and portfolio analytics platforms, such as PatSnap, Patentcloud, Relecura, and Patent iNSIGHT Pro, offer options to visualise specific data within patent documents by creating Topic Maps, Priority Maps, IP Landscape reports, etc. Software converts patents into infographics or maps, to allow the analyst to 'get insight into the data' and draw conclusions. Also called patinformatics, it is the 'science of analysing patent information to discover relationships and trends that would be difficult to see when working with patent documents on a one-and-one basis'. Patents contain structured data (like publication numbers) and unstructured text (like title, abstract, claims and visual info). Structured data are processed by data-mining and unstructured data are processed with text-mining. The main step in processing structured information is data-mining, which emerged in the late 1980s. Data mining involves statistics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Patent data mining extracts information from the structured data of the patent document. These structured data are bibliographic fields such as location, date or status.

[ "Information retrieval", "Machine learning", "Data mining", "Data science" ]
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