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Tonsilloliths, also known as tonsil stones, are soft aggregates of bacterial and cellular debris that form in the tonsillar crypts, the crevices of the tonsils. While they occur most commonly in the palatine tonsils, they may also occur in the lingual tonsils. Tonsil stones are common. Tonsilloliths have been recorded weighing from 0.3 g to 42 g. Protruding tonsilloliths may feel like foreign objects lodged in the tonsil crypt. They may be a nuisance and difficult to remove, but are usually not harmful. They are one of the causes of bad breath and give off a putrid smell. Tonsilloliths may produce no symptoms, or they may be associated with bad breath, or produce pain when swallowing. Tonsilloliths occur more frequently in teens than in adults or young children. Many small tonsil stones do not cause any noticeable symptoms. Even when they are large, some tonsil stones are only discovered incidentally on X-rays or CAT scans.

[ "Radiography", "Radiology", "Surgery", "Pathology", "Diabetes mellitus", "Tonsillolithiasis" ]
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