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Trichilemmoma (also known as 'tricholemmoma') is a benign cutaneous neoplasm that shows differentiation toward cells of the outer root sheath.:673 The lesion is often seen in the face and neck region. Multifocal occurrence is associated with Cowden syndrome, in which hamartomatous intestinal polyposis is seen in conjunction with multiple tricholemmoma lesions. Trichilemmoma (also known as 'tricholemmoma') is a benign cutaneous neoplasm that shows differentiation toward cells of the outer root sheath.:673 The lesion is often seen in the face and neck region. Multifocal occurrence is associated with Cowden syndrome, in which hamartomatous intestinal polyposis is seen in conjunction with multiple tricholemmoma lesions.

[ "Carcinoma", "Dermatology", "Pathology", "Desmoplastic trichilemmoma", "Multiple trichilemmomas" ]
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