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Ceratomyxa shasta

Ceratonova shasta is a myxosporean parasite that infects salmonid fish on the Pacific coast of North America. It was first observed at the Crystal Lake Hatchery, Shasta County, California, and has now been reported from Idaho, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska (Bartholomew et al. 1989). In addition to the fish host, C. shasta infects a freshwater polychaete worm (Bartholomew et al., 1997). Actinospores are released from the worm, and infect fish, on contact, in the water column. Neither horizontal (fish to fish), nor vertical (fish to egg) transmissions have been documented under laboratory conditions, suggesting that the worm host is necessary for completion of the life cycle.

[ "Chinook wind", "Aquatic animal", "Myxozoa", "Disease", "Parvicapsula minibicornis", "Manayunkia speciosa" ]
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