Population-based incremental learning

In computer science and machine learning, population-based incremental learning (PBIL) is an optimization algorithm, and an estimation of distribution algorithm. This is a type of genetic algorithm where the genotype of an entire population (probability vector) is evolved rather than individual members. The algorithm is proposed by Shumeet Baluja in 1994. The algorithm is simpler than a standard genetic algorithm, and in many cases leads to better results than a standard genetic algorithm. In computer science and machine learning, population-based incremental learning (PBIL) is an optimization algorithm, and an estimation of distribution algorithm. This is a type of genetic algorithm where the genotype of an entire population (probability vector) is evolved rather than individual members. The algorithm is proposed by Shumeet Baluja in 1994. The algorithm is simpler than a standard genetic algorithm, and in many cases leads to better results than a standard genetic algorithm. In PBIL, genes are represented as real values in the range , indicating the probability that any particular allele appears in that gene.

[ "Genetic algorithm", "Convergence (routing)", "incremental learning algorithm", "Genetic operator", "Cultural algorithm", "Freivalds' algorithm", "In-place algorithm" ]
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