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Myotis albescens

The silver-tipped myotis (Myotis albescens) is a species of mouse-eared bat found in a range of lowland habitats in the Americas. It is part of the vesper bat genus Myotis, which includes a large number of common species across the world. Genetic analysis suggests that it is probably most closely related to a group of Neotropical Myotis species that includes Myotis nigricans, Myotis levis, and Myotis oxyotus, or alternatively to Myotis dominicensis alone. The silver-tipped myotis is a small bat, with a total length of 7.9 to 9.6 centimetres (3.1 to 3.8 in), and a tail 2.7 to 4.0 centimetres (1.1 to 1.6 in) long. The fur is long and silky, with individual hairs being black or dark brown for most of their length, but white at the tips. This silver ticking gives the bat its common name and 'frosted' appearance. Although fur with a similar pattern is found on the undersides of some related species, only in the silver-tipped myotis does it extend across the entire body, thus enabling it to be distinguished from some otherwise very similar bats. The undersides and legs of the animal are paler than the rest of the body, and the bare skin of the wings varies from light brown to almost black, depending on the individual. The bat has a rounded head with narrow, pointed ears, and unusually large feet. The membranes of the wings attach to the toes at their hindmost part, while the membrane between the legs is partially supported by a long calcar that actually extends beyond its edge to end in a small rounded lump. The silver-tipped myotis is one of the most widespread members of its genus, being known from every country of South America except Chile and French Guiana. It is possible that it does occur in French Guiana, but has not yet been recorded. In the northern part of its range it is found in Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and parts of Chiapas and Veracruz in southern Mexico. Its wide range is partly due to a tolerance for a wide range of lowland habitats, including forests, shrublands, open wetlands, and pasture below 500 metres (1,600 ft) elevation. However, it usually occurs near open water. It is absent in the Andes and in the colder environments of central and southern Argentina.

[ "Ecology", "Zoology", "Habitat", "Molossidae" ]
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