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In cryptography, ciphertext or cyphertext is the result of encryption performed on plaintext using an algorithm, called a cipher. Ciphertext is also known as encrypted or encoded information because it contains a form of the original plaintext that is unreadable by a human or computer without the proper cipher to decrypt it. Decryption, the inverse of encryption, is the process of turning ciphertext into readable plaintext. Ciphertext is not to be confused with codetext because the latter is a result of a code, not a cipher. In cryptography, ciphertext or cyphertext is the result of encryption performed on plaintext using an algorithm, called a cipher. Ciphertext is also known as encrypted or encoded information because it contains a form of the original plaintext that is unreadable by a human or computer without the proper cipher to decrypt it. Decryption, the inverse of encryption, is the process of turning ciphertext into readable plaintext. Ciphertext is not to be confused with codetext because the latter is a result of a code, not a cipher. Let m {displaystyle m!} be the plaintext message that Alice wants to secretly transmit to Bob and let E k {displaystyle E_{k}!} be the encryption cipher, where k {displaystyle _{k}!} is a cryptographic key. Alice must first transform the plaintext into ciphertext, c {displaystyle c!} , in order to securely send the message to Bob, as follows: In a symmetric-key system, Bob knows Alice's encryption key. Once the message is encrypted, Alice can safely transmit it to Bob (assuming no one else knows the key). In order to read Alice's message, Bob must decrypt the ciphertext using E k − 1 {displaystyle {E_{k}}^{-1}!} which is known as the decryption cipher, D k : {displaystyle D_{k}:!} Alternatively, in a non-symmetric key system, everyone, not just Alice and Bob, knows the encryption key; but the decryption key cannot be inferred from the encryption key. Only Bob knows the decryption key D k , {displaystyle D_{k},} and decryption proceeds as The history of cryptography began thousands of years ago. Cryptography uses a variety of different types of encryption. Earlier algorithms were performed by hand and are substantially different from modern algorithms, which are generally executed by a machine. Historical pen and paper ciphers used in the past are sometimes known as classical ciphers. They include: Historical ciphers are not generally used as a standalone encryption technique because they are quite easy to crack. Many of the classical ciphers, with the exception of the one-time pad, can be cracked using brute force.

[ "Encryption", "Cryptography", "Scheme (programming language)", "Key (cryptography)", "Proxy re-encryption", "Known-plaintext attack", "Hill cipher", "Deniable encryption", "Chosen-ciphertext attack" ]
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