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The name siskin when referring to a bird is derived from an adaptation of the German dialect words sisschen, zeischen, which are diminutive forms of Middle High German (zîsec) and Middle Low German (ziseke, sisek) words, which are themselves apparently of Slavic origin. The name siskin was first recorded in written English in 1562, referring to the Eurasian siskin, Spinus spinus. The name siskin when referring to a bird is derived from an adaptation of the German dialect words sisschen, zeischen, which are diminutive forms of Middle High German (zîsec) and Middle Low German (ziseke, sisek) words, which are themselves apparently of Slavic origin. The name siskin was first recorded in written English in 1562, referring to the Eurasian siskin, Spinus spinus. Spinus Serinus

[ "Ecology", "Zoology", "Paleontology", "Carduelis pinus", "Spinus spinus", "Spinus pinus", "Carduelis spinus" ]
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