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Lycosa is a genus of wolf spiders distributed throughout most of the world. Often (incorrectly) called the 'true tarantula', Lycosa spp. can be distinguished from common wolf spiders by their relatively large size. This genus includes the European Lycosa tarantula, which was once associated with tarantism, a dubious affliction whose symptoms included shaking, cold sweats, and a high fever, asserted to be curable only by the traditional tarantella dance. No scientific substantiation of that myth is known; the venom of Lycosa spiders is generally not harmful. As of 2013, more than 200 species in this genus have been described.

[ "Predation", "Spider", "Oedothorax insecticeps", "Genus Lycosa", "Oxyopes javanus", "Pardosa birmanica", "Venatrix" ]
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