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Xenodermus javanicus

Xenodermus is a genus of caenophidian snakes. It is a monotypic genus, containing only Xenodermus javanicus, also known as the dragonsnake, Javan tubercle snake, Javan mudsnake, or rough-backed litter snake. It is considered to be rare, though no conservation efforts are currently active. Xenodermus javanicus is the single representative of the genus Xenodermus and demonstrates unique external morphology, e.g. characteristic dorsal scales, among xenodermatid snakes, which facilitates their distinguishing from different species. The snake is fully nocturnal and subsists on a diet of frogs. Xenodermus javanicus is a small non-venomous, semi-fossorial reptile. Dragonsnakes lay several clutches of 2-4 eggs each year in the rainy season (October–February). The dragonsnake's natural range is Thailand, Burma, and Indonesia. Dragonsnakes have been known to occur, at extremes, from southern Myanmar, southward to Sundaland (Sumatra, Java, and Borneo). (Although dragonsnakes only exist in Myanmar in marginal numbers.) Dragonsnakes undergo reproduction by egg. The dragonsnake is not considered to be a particularly prolific breeder. Dragonsnakes are nocturnal. Dragonsnakes subsist mainly on frogs. Dragonsnakes exhibit a peculiar property when encountering perceived threats. This action involves stiffening its entire body and straightening into a line. Dragonsnakes are known to die when placed into captivity. Dragonsnakes are not the object of any conservation endeavours at this time.

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