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Hydralazine Hydrochloride

Hydralazine, sold under the brand name Apresoline among others, is a medication used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. This includes high blood pressure in pregnancy and very high blood pressure resulting in symptoms. It has been found to be particularly useful in heart failure together with isosorbide dinitrate in people of African descent. It is given by mouth or by injection into a vein. Effects usually begin around 15 minutes and last up to six hours. Hydralazine, sold under the brand name Apresoline among others, is a medication used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. This includes high blood pressure in pregnancy and very high blood pressure resulting in symptoms. It has been found to be particularly useful in heart failure together with isosorbide dinitrate in people of African descent. It is given by mouth or by injection into a vein. Effects usually begin around 15 minutes and last up to six hours. Common side effects include headache and fast heart rate. It is not recommended in people with coronary artery disease or in those with rheumatic heart disease that affects the mitral valve. In those with kidney disease a low dose is recommended. Hydralazine is in the vasodilator family of medications and is believed to work by causing the dilation of blood vessels. Hydralazine was discovered while scientists at Ciba were looking for a treatment for malaria. It was patented in 1949. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. The wholesale cost in the developing world is about US$2.78–9.11 per month. In the United States treatment costs about $50–100 per month. In 2016 it was the 138th most prescribed medication in the United States with more than 4 million prescriptions. Hydralazine is not used as a primary drug for treating hypertension because it elicits a reflex sympathetic stimulation of the heart (the baroreceptor reflex). The sympathetic stimulation may increase heart rate and cardiac output, and in people with coronary artery disease may cause angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. Hydralazine may also increase plasma renin concentration, resulting in fluid retention. To prevent these undesirable side effects, hydralazine is usually prescribed in combination with a β-blocker (e.g., propranolol) and a diuretic. Beta-blockers licensed to treat heart failure in the UK include bisoprolol, carvedilol, and nebivolol. Hydralazine is used to treat severe hypertension, but again, it is not a first-line therapy for essential hypertension. However, hydralazine is often used to treat hypertension in pregnancy, with methyldopa. Hydralazine is commonly used in combination with isosorbide dinitrate for the treatment of congestive heart failure in self-identified African American populations. This preparation, isosorbide dinitrate/hydralazine, was the first race-based prescription drug. It should not be used in people with tachycardia, heart failure, who have constrictive pericarditis, who have lupus, a dissecting aortic aneurysm, or porphyria. Prolonged treatment may cause a syndrome similar to lupus which can become fatal if the symptoms are not noticed and drug treatment stopped. Very common (>10% frequency) side effects include headache, high heart rate, and palpitations.

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