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little small mitten-beagle, which may be companion for a ladies kirtle, and in the field will run as cunningly as any hound whatere, only their musick is very small like reeds.In size the beagle measures from 10 inches, or even less, to 15. In shape they resemble the old southern hound in miniature, but with more neatness and beauty; and they also resemble that hound in style of hunting.In rabbit-shooting, in gorse and thick cover, nothing can be more cheerful than the beagle. They also are easily heard over long distances and in thick cover. They have been called rabbit-beagles from this employment, for which they are peculiarly qualified, especially those dogs which are somewhat wire-haired.a. ^ In this article 'Beagle' (with a capital B) is used to distinguish the modern breed from other beagle-type dogs.A dog may normally be quite calm but can become very excitable when set off by such things as a ringing doorbell or an owner's movement toward the door. This characteristic may be very annoying to some people. Rank these seven breeds from least to most excitable.

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