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Material efficiency

Material efficiency is a description or metric which expresses the degree in which raw materials are consumed, incorporated, or wasted, as compared to previous measures in construction projects or physical processes. Making a usable item out of thinner stock than a prior version increases the material efficiency of the manufacturing process. Material efficiency goes hand in hand with Green building and Energy conservation, as well as any other ways of incorporating Renewable resource's in the building process from start to finish. Material efficiency is a description or metric which expresses the degree in which raw materials are consumed, incorporated, or wasted, as compared to previous measures in construction projects or physical processes. Making a usable item out of thinner stock than a prior version increases the material efficiency of the manufacturing process. Material efficiency goes hand in hand with Green building and Energy conservation, as well as any other ways of incorporating Renewable resource's in the building process from start to finish. Material efficiency can also mean the degree in which a material can handle a particular load, strain or weight upon it. Material efficiency can be achieved through using recycled materials, materials that use renewable energy, and other ways. For example, using recycled steel instead of new steel 'reduces the energy produced in making the steel by 75 percent, and saves space in landfills as well.' Material efficiency, 'entails the pursuit of the technical strategies, business models, consumer preferences and policy instruments that would lead to a substantial reduction in the production of high-volume energy-intensive materials required to deliver human well-being. The motivations for material efficiency include reducing energy demand, reducing the emissions and other environmental impacts of industry, and increasing national resource security. With a growing population and increasing wealth, demand for material extraction and processing is likely to double in the next 40 years. The environmental impacts of the required processing will become critical.' Using materials that are more 'efficient' in the building process today can be less expensive and energy intensive than using new building materials. An example of this would be using recycled steel to erect the frame of a building instead of using wooden timbers. Using recycled steel saves room in landfills that the steel would otherwise be taking up, saves 75% of the energy required to produce steel in the production process, and saves trees from being cut down to build homes. The recycled steel can be fashioned in the exact dimensions needed for building and can be made into 'customized steel beams and panels to fit each specific design.' These new, more efficient materials, can cost more initially when being used in building but in time will save money through lower heating/cooling bills, lower electric bills, and other kinds of bills. Over time you can recoup your money and save even more all the while staying comfortable inside your home. There are three types of light bulbs today that are very popular: Incandescent Light Bulbs, Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL's), and Light Emitting Diodes (LED's). Electric lighting alone can account for around 14% of your current home energy bill. In addition to this, only 10 percent of the electricity used by an incandescent bulb generates light; the rest is wasted. Here are two tables comparing the three types of lightbulbs: Another way to reduce electricity consumption and save money with lighting is by installing dimming switches with these bulbs. A dimmer can increase and decrease the amount of light emitted by the bulb to your liking. It can not make a light bulb brighter than its maximum already is but it can reduce it thus using less electricity and saving you money. Popular materials used for insulation are fiber glass, rock wool, and slag wool. After being manufactured these items require no energy to use and require no maintenance unless damaged. Using inflation properly is the most effective way to reduce energy use and green house gas emissions.

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