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SESAMO is the acronym of Sexrelation Evaluation Schedule Assessment Monitoring, is an Italian psychometric and psychological standardised and validated questionnaire (see Tab. 1) to examine single and couple aspect life, sexuality, interpersonal and intimate relationship.'During follow-up each patient received the SESAMO test (Sexuality Evaluation Schedule Assessment Monitoring) in the standard clinical form, with the end point of tracking down the sexual, affective, and relationship profile of each Htx pts . The SESAMO questionnaire is based on topics relative to male and female sexuality in mates situation. Topics are grouped in two section: the first one collects data on former sexuality, health history, and social behavior; the second one looks at the mate's relationship to show any situation revealing sexual worries. The questionnaire gives values based on a survey of 648 people with characteristics quite similar to the Italian population. The clinical test for mates is based on 81 items for males and 85 items for females. The row score for each topic is modified in standard scores. The exceeding of scores over a specified threshold gives concise information for diagnostic purpose'. SESAMO is the acronym of Sexrelation Evaluation Schedule Assessment Monitoring, is an Italian psychometric and psychological standardised and validated questionnaire (see Tab. 1) to examine single and couple aspect life, sexuality, interpersonal and intimate relationship. As many others sexological tests, a female and a male version are available and both are made up of three sections (see Tab. 2):

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