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Storage effect

The storage effect is a coexistence mechanism proposed in the ecological theory of species coexistence, which tries to explain how such a wide variety of similar species are able to coexist within the same ecological community or guild. The storage effect was originally proposed in the 1980s to explain coexistence in diverse communities of coral reef fish, however it has since been generalized to cover a variety of ecological communities. The theory proposes one way for multiple species to coexist: in a changing environment, no species can be the best under all conditions. Instead, each species must have a unique response to varying environmental conditions, and a way of buffering against the effects of bad years. The storage effect gets its name because each population 'stores' the gains in good years or microhabitats (patches) to help it survive population losses in bad years or patches. One strength of this theory is that, unlike most coexistence mechanisms, the storage effect can be measured and quantified, with units of per-capita growth rate (offspring per adult per generation). The storage effect is a coexistence mechanism proposed in the ecological theory of species coexistence, which tries to explain how such a wide variety of similar species are able to coexist within the same ecological community or guild. The storage effect was originally proposed in the 1980s to explain coexistence in diverse communities of coral reef fish, however it has since been generalized to cover a variety of ecological communities. The theory proposes one way for multiple species to coexist: in a changing environment, no species can be the best under all conditions. Instead, each species must have a unique response to varying environmental conditions, and a way of buffering against the effects of bad years. The storage effect gets its name because each population 'stores' the gains in good years or microhabitats (patches) to help it survive population losses in bad years or patches. One strength of this theory is that, unlike most coexistence mechanisms, the storage effect can be measured and quantified, with units of per-capita growth rate (offspring per adult per generation). The storage effect can be caused by both temporal and spatial variation. The temporal storage effect (often referred to as simply 'the storage effect') occurs when species benefit from changes in year-to-year environmental patterns, while the spatial storage effect occurs when species benefit from variation in microhabitats across a landscape. For the storage effect to operate, it requires variation (i.e. fluctuations) in the environment and thus can be termed a 'fluctuation-dependent mechanism'. This variation can come from a large degree of factors, including resource availability, temperature, and predation levels. However, for the storage effect to function, this variation must change the birth, survival, or recruitment rate of species from year to year (or patch to patch). For competing species within the same community to coexist, they have to meet one fundamental requirement: the impact of competition from a species on itself must exceed its competitive impact on other species. In other words, intraspecific competition must exceed interspecific competition. For example, jackrabbits living in the same area compete for food and nesting grounds. Such competition within the same species is called intraspecific competition, which limits the growth of the species itself. Members from different species can also compete. For instance, jackrabbits and cottontail rabbits also compete for food and nesting grounds. Competition between different species is called interspecific competition, which limits the growth of other species. Stable coexistence occurs when any one species in the community limits its own growth more strongly than the growth of others. The storage effect mixes three essential ingredients to assemble a community of competing species that fulfill the requirement. They are 1) correlation between the quality of an environment and the amount of competition experienced by a population in that environment (i.e. covariance between environment and competition), 2) differences in species response to the same environment (i.e. species-specific environmental responses), and 3) the ability of a population to diminish the impact of competition under worsening environment (i.e. buffered population growth). Each ingredient is described in detail below with an explanation why the combination of the three leads to species coexistence. The growth of a population can be strongly influenced by the environment it experiences. An environment consists of not only physical elements such as resource abundance, temperature, and level of physical disturbance, but also biological elements such as the abundance of natural enemies and mutualists. Usually organisms reproduce more in a favorable environment (i.e. either during a good year, or within a good patch), build up their population densities, and lead themselves to a high level of competition due to this increasing crowding. Such a trend means that higher quality environments usually correlate with a higher strength of competition experienced by the organisms in those environments. In short, a better environment results in stronger competition. In statistics, such correlation means that there will be a non-zero covariance between the change of population density in response to the environment and that to the competition. That is why the first ingredient is called 'covariance between environment and competition'. Covariance between environment and competition suggests that organisms experience the strongest competition under their optimal environmental conditions because their populations grow most rapidly in those conditions. In nature, we often find that different species from the same community respond to the same conditions in distinctive manners. For example, plant species have different preferred levels of light and water availability, which affect their germination and physical growth rates. Such differences in their response to the environment, which is called 'species-specific environmental response,' means no two species from a community will have the same best environment in a given year or a given patch. As a result, when a species is under its optimal environmental conditions and thus experiencing the strongest intraspecific competition, other species from the same community only experience the strongest interspecific competition coming from that species, but not the strongest intraspecific competition coming from themselves. A population can decline when environmental conditions worsen and when competition intensifies. If a species cannot limit the impact of competition in a hostile environment, its population will crash, and it will become locally extinct. Marvelously, in nature organisms are often able to slow down the rate of population decline in a hostile environment by alleviating the impact of competition. In so doing, they are able to set up a lower limit on the rate of their population decline. This phenomenon is called 'buffered population growth', which occurs under a variety of situations. Under the temporal storage effect, it can be accomplished by the adults of a species having long life spans, which are relatively unaffected by environmental stressors. For example, an adult tree is unlikely to be killed by a few weeks of drought or a single night of freezing temperatures, whereas a seedling may not survive these conditions. Even if all seedlings are killed by bad environmental conditions, the long-lived adults are able to keep the overall population from crashing. Moreover, the adults usually adopt strategies such as dormancy or hibernation under a hostile environment, which make them less sensitive to competition, and allows them to buffer against the double blades of the hostile environment and competition from their rivals. For a different example, buffered population growth is attained by annual plants with a persistent seed bank. Thanks to these long-lived seeds, the entire population cannot be destroyed by a single bad year. Moreover, the seeds stay dormant under unfavorable environmental conditions, avoiding direct competition with rivals who are favored by the same environment, and thus diminish the impact of competition in bad years. There are some temporal situations in which buffered population growth is not expected to occur. Namely, when multiple generations do not overlap (such as Labord’s chameleon) or when adults have a high mortality rate (such as many aquatic insects, or some populations of the Eastern Fence Lizard ), buffered growth does not occur. Under the spatial storage effect, buffered population growth is generally automatic, because the effects of a detrimental microhabitat will only be experienced by individuals in that area, rather than the population as a whole. The combined effect of (1) covariance between environment and competition, and (2) species-specific response to the environment decouple the strongest intraspecific and interspecific competition experienced by a species. Intraspecific competition is strongest when a species is favored by the environment, whereas interspecific competition is strongest when its rivals are favored. After this decoupling, buffered population growth limits the impact of interspecific competition when a species is not favored by the environment. As a consequence, the impact of intraspecific competition on the species favored by a particular environment exceeds that of the interspecific competition on species less favored by that environment. We see that the fundamental requirement for species coexistence is fulfilled and thus storage effect is able to maintain stable coexistence in a community of competing species.

[ "Ecology", "Botany", "Intraspecific competition", "Competition (biology)", "Interspecific competition" ]
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