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KCDSA (Korean Certificate-based Digital Signature Algorithm) is a digital signature algorithm created by a team led by the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA). It is an ElGamal variant, similar to the Digital Signature Algorithm and GOST R 34.10-94. The standard algorithm is implemented over G F ( p ) {displaystyle GF(p)} , but an elliptic curve variant (EC-KCDSA) is also specified. KCDSA (Korean Certificate-based Digital Signature Algorithm) is a digital signature algorithm created by a team led by the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA). It is an ElGamal variant, similar to the Digital Signature Algorithm and GOST R 34.10-94. The standard algorithm is implemented over G F ( p ) {displaystyle GF(p)} , but an elliptic curve variant (EC-KCDSA) is also specified. KCDSA requires a collision-resistant cryptographic hash function that can produce a variable-sized output (from 128 to 256 bits, in 32-bit increments). HAS-160, another Korean standard, is the suggested choice.

[ "Blind signature", "Elliptic curve cryptography", "Discrete logarithm", "Digital Signature Algorithm", "ElGamal encryption" ]
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