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Glycosmis is a genus of flowering plants in the citrus family, Rutaceae. It is in the subfamily Aurantioideae, which also includes genus Citrus. It is a genus of the subtribe Clauseninae, which are known technically as the remote citroid fruit trees. The distribution of the genus includes Southeast Asia and Australia. Plants of the genus are shrubs and small trees. New growth is coated densely in rusty hairs. The leaves are simple blades or are divided into narrow leaflets, sometimes pinnately. The small flowers have five white petals and are borne in compound inflorescences. The fruit is a juicy or dry berry. Some species can be variable in appearance. The genus Glycosmis is not well understood and many named species have not been adequately described. Today there are about 35 to 50 species included in the genus. Species include:

[ "Rutaceae", "Micromelum", "Glycosmis chlorosperma", "Glypetelotine" ]
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