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Streptophyta, informally the streptophytes (from the Greek strepto, for twisted, i.e., the morphology of the sperm of some members), is a clade of plants. The composition of the clade varies considerably between authors, but the definition employed here includes land plants and all green algae except the Chlorophyta and possibly the more basal Mesostigmatophyceae, Chlorokybophyceae, and Spirotaenia. Streptophyta, informally the streptophytes (from the Greek strepto, for twisted, i.e., the morphology of the sperm of some members), is a clade of plants. The composition of the clade varies considerably between authors, but the definition employed here includes land plants and all green algae except the Chlorophyta and possibly the more basal Mesostigmatophyceae, Chlorokybophyceae, and Spirotaenia. The composition of the Streptophyta and similar groups (Streptophytina, Charophyta) varies in each classification. Some authors are more restrictive, including only the Charales and Embryophyta (e.g., Streptophyta Jeffrey 1967; Adl et al. 2012, Streptophytina Lewis & McCourt 2004), others include more groups (e.g., Charophyta Lewis & McCourt 2004; Karol et al. 2009; Adl et al. 2012, Streptophyta Bremer, 1985; de Reviers 2002; Leliaert et al. 2012, Streptobionta Kenrick & Crane 1997; some authors use this broader definition, but exclude the Embryophyta, e.g., Charophyta Cavalier-Smith 1993; Leliaert et al. 2012, Charophyceae Mattox & Stewart, 1984, Streptophycophytes de Reviers, 2002). These earlier classifications have not taken into account that the Coleochaetophyceae and the Zygnemophyceae appear to have emerged in the Charophyceae + Embryophyta clade, resulting in the synonymy of the Phragmoplastophyta and Streptophytina/Streptophyta sensu stricto (a.k.a. Adl 2012) nomenclature. Please note the taxonomic name system inconsistency of the Kingdom in Class classification.

[ "Phylogenetics", "Phylogenetic tree", "Chlorophyta", "Green algae", "Chlorokybus", "Hormidiella", "Chaetosphaeridium globosum", "Mesostigma", "Interfilum" ]
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