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3QRF, 4WK85094320371ENSG00000049768ENSMUSG00000039521Q9BZS1Q99JB6NM_001114377NM_014009NM_001199347NM_001199348NM_054039NP_001107849NP_054728NP_001186276NP_001186277NP_473380FOXP3 (forkhead box P3), also known as scurfin, is a protein involved in immune system responses. A member of the FOX protein family, FOXP3 appears to function as a master regulator of the regulatory pathway in the development and function of regulatory T cells. Regulatory T cells generally turn the immune response down. In cancer, an excess of regulatory T cell activity can prevent the immune system from destroying cancer cells. In autoimmune disease, a deficiency of regulatory T cell activity can allow other autoimmune cells to attack the body's own tissues. FOXP3 (forkhead box P3), also known as scurfin, is a protein involved in immune system responses. A member of the FOX protein family, FOXP3 appears to function as a master regulator of the regulatory pathway in the development and function of regulatory T cells. Regulatory T cells generally turn the immune response down. In cancer, an excess of regulatory T cell activity can prevent the immune system from destroying cancer cells. In autoimmune disease, a deficiency of regulatory T cell activity can allow other autoimmune cells to attack the body's own tissues. While the precise control mechanism has not yet been established, FOX proteins belong to the forkhead/winged-helix family of transcriptional regulators and are presumed to exert control via similar DNA binding interactions during transcription. In regulatory T cell model systems, the FOXP3 transcription factor occupies the promoters for genes involved in regulatory T-cell function, and may repress transcription of key genes following stimulation of T cell receptors. The human FOXP3 genes contain 11 coding exons. Exon-intron boundaries are identical across the coding regions of the mouse and human genes. By genomic sequence analysis, the FOXP3 gene maps to the p arm of the X chromosome (specifically, Xp11.23). Foxp3 is a specific marker of natural T regulatory cells (nTregs, a lineage of T cells) and adaptive/induced T regulatory cells (a/iTregs), also identified by other less specific markers such as CD25 or CD45RB. In animal studies, Tregs that express Foxp3 are critical in the transfer of immune tolerance, especially self-tolerance. The induction or administration of Foxp3 positive T cells has, in animal studies, led to marked reductions in (autoimmune) disease severity in models of diabetes, multiple sclerosis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, thyroiditis and renal disease. Human trials using regulatory T cells to treat graft-versus-host disease have shown efficacy. Further work has shown that T cells are more plastic in nature than originally thought. This means that the use of regulatory T cells in therapy may be risky, as the T regulatory cell transferred to the patient may change into T helper 17 (Th17) cells, which are pro-inflammatory rather than regulatory cells. Th17 cells are proinflammatory and are produced under similar environments as a/iTregs. Th17 cells are produced under the influence of TGF-β and IL-6 (or IL-21), whereas a/iTregs are produced under the influence of solely TGF-β, so the difference between a proinflammatory and a pro-regulatory scenario is the presence of a single interleukin. IL-6 or IL-21 is being debated by immunology laboratories as the definitive signaling molecule. Murine studies point to IL-6 whereas human studies have shown IL-21. Foxp3 is the major transcription factor controlling T-regulatory cells (Treg or CD4+ cells). CD4+ cells are leukocytes responsible for protecting animals from foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. Defects in this gene's ability to function can cause IPEX syndrome (IPEX), also known as X-linked autoimmunity-immunodeficiency syndrome as well as numerous cancers. While CD4+ cells are heavily regulated and require multiple transcription factors such as STAT-5 and AhR in order to become active and function properly, Foxp3 has been identified as the master regulator for Treg lineage. Foxp3 can either act as a transcriptional activator or suppressor depending on what specific transcriptional factors such as deacetylases and histone acetylases are acting on it. The Foxp3 gene is also known to convert naïve T-cells to Treg cells, which are capable of an in vivo and in vitro suppressive capabilities suggesting that Foxp3 is capable of regulating the expression of suppression-mediating molecules. Clarifying the gene targets of Foxp3 could be crucial to the comprehension of the suppressive abilities of Treg cells. In human disease, alterations in numbers of regulatory T cells – and in particular those that express Foxp3 – are found in a number of disease states. For example, patients with tumors have a local relative excess of Foxp3 positive T cells which inhibits the body's ability to suppress the formation of cancerous cells. Conversely, patients with an autoimmune disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have a relative dysfunction of Foxp3 positive cells. The Foxp3 gene is also mutated in IPEX syndrome (Immunodysregulation, Polyendocrinopathy, and Enteropathy, X-linked). These mutations were in the forkhead domain of FOXP3, indicating that the mutations may disrupt critical DNA interactions. In mice, a Foxp3 mutation (a frameshift mutation that result in protein lacking the forkhead domain) is responsible for 'Scurfy', an X-linked recessive mouse mutant that results in lethality in hemizygous males 16 to 25 days after birth. These mice have overproliferation of CD4+ T-lymphocytes, extensive multiorgan infiltration, and elevation of numerous cytokines. This phenotype is similar to those that lack expression of CTLA-4, TGF-β, human disease IPEX, or deletion of the Foxp3 gene in mice ('scurfy mice'). The pathology observed in scurfy mice seems to result from an inability to properly regulate CD4+ T-cell activity. In mice overexpressing the Foxp3 gene, fewer T cells are observed. The remaining T cells have poor proliferative and cytolytic responses and poor interleukin-2 production, although thymic development appears normal. Histologic analysis indicates that peripheral lymphoid organs, particularly lymph nodes, lack the proper number of cells.

[ "IL-2 receptor", "Immune system", "RAR-related orphan receptor gamma", "Treg17 cells", "IPEX syndrome", "Forkhead Box P3 Gene", "Forkhead Box Protein P3" ]
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