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VOACAP (Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program) is a radio propagation model that uses empirical data to predict the point-to-point path loss and coverage of a given transceiver if given as inputs: two antennas (configuration and position), solar weather, and time/date. Written in Fortran it was originally designed for Voice of America. VOACAP (Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program) is a radio propagation model that uses empirical data to predict the point-to-point path loss and coverage of a given transceiver if given as inputs: two antennas (configuration and position), solar weather, and time/date. Written in Fortran it was originally designed for Voice of America. Some movies on the coverage during daytime can be found here. Currently versions based on the original source tree exist for Windows, Linux (voacapl) and OSX. The program core uses text files for I/O and a bunch of wrappers now exist.

[ "Ionosphere", "voice of america" ]
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