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Singular integral

In mathematics, singular integrals are central to harmonic analysis and are intimately connected with the study of partial differential equations. Broadly speaking a singular integral is an integral operator T ( f ) ( x ) = lim ε → 0 ∫ | y − x | > ε K ( x − y ) f ( y ) d y . {displaystyle T(f)(x)=lim _{varepsilon o 0}int _{|y-x|>varepsilon }K(x-y)f(y),dy.}     (1) In mathematics, singular integrals are central to harmonic analysis and are intimately connected with the study of partial differential equations. Broadly speaking a singular integral is an integral operator whose kernel function K : Rn×Rn → R is singular along the diagonal x = y. Specifically, the singularity is such that |K(x, y)| is of size |x − y|−n asymptotically as |x − y| → 0. Since such integrals may not in general be absolutely integrable, a rigorous definition must define them as the limit of the integral over |y − x| > ε as ε → 0, but in practice this is a technicality. Usually further assumptions are required to obtain results such as their boundedness on Lp(Rn). The archetypal singular integral operator is the Hilbert transform H. It is given by convolution against the kernel K(x) = 1/(πx) for x in R. More precisely, The most straightforward higher dimension analogues of these are the Riesz transforms, which replace K(x) = 1/x with where i = 1, …, n and x i {displaystyle x_{i}} is the i-th component of x in Rn. All of these operators are bounded on Lp and satisfy weak-type (1, 1) estimates. A singular integral of convolution type is an operator T defined by convolution with a kernel K that is locally integrable on Rn{0}, in the sense that

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