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Psychoorganic syndrome

Psychoorganic syndrome (POS), also known as organic psychosyndrome, is a progressive disease comparable to presenile dementia. It consists of psychopathological complex of symptoms that are caused by organic brain disorders that involve a reduction in memory and intellect. Psychoorganic syndrome is often accompanied by asthenia.'In pathological findings, focal or diffuse signs of atrophy without inflammation or severe vascular insufficiency are present. Basic clinical picture depends on the localization of atrophy in brain.' Psychoorganic syndrome (POS), also known as organic psychosyndrome, is a progressive disease comparable to presenile dementia. It consists of psychopathological complex of symptoms that are caused by organic brain disorders that involve a reduction in memory and intellect. Psychoorganic syndrome is often accompanied by asthenia. Psychoorganic syndrome occurs during atrophy of the brain, most commonly during presenile and senile age (e.g. Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia). There are many causes, including cerebrovascular diseases, CNS damages to traumatic brain injury, intoxication, exposure to organic solvents such as toluene, chronic metabolic disorders, tumors and abscesses of the brain, encephalitis, and can also be found in cases of diseases accompanied by convulsive seizures. Psychoorganic syndrome may occur at any age but is most pronounced in elderly and senile age. Depending on the nosological entity, the main symptoms of psychoorganic syndrome are expressed differently. For example, in atrophic cases such as Alzheimer's disease, the symptoms are more geared towards a memory disorder, while in Pick's disease, mental disorders are more commonly expressed.

[ "Psychoanalysis", "Clinical psychology", "Psychiatry", "Surgery", "Pediatrics" ]
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