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Fork (system call)

In computing, particularly in the context of the Unix operating system and its workalikes, fork is an operation whereby a process creates a copy of itself. It is usually a system call, implemented in the kernel. Fork is the primary (and historically, only) method of process creation on Unix-like operating systems.Vfork does not copy page tables so it is faster than the System V fork implementation. But the child process executes in the same physical address space as the parent process (until an exec or exit) and can thus overwrite the parent's data and stack. A dangerous situation could arise if a programmer uses vfork incorrectly, so the onus for calling vfork lies with the programmer. The difference between the System V approach and the BSD approach is philosophical: Should the kernel hide idiosyncrasies of its implementation from users, or should it allow sophisticated users the opportunity to take advantage of the implementation to do a logical function more efficiently?It is rather unfortunate that Linux revived this specter from the past. The BSD man page states: 'This system call will be eliminated when proper system sharing mechanisms are implemented. Users should not depend on the memory sharing semantics of vfork() as it will, in that case, be made synonymous to fork(2).' In computing, particularly in the context of the Unix operating system and its workalikes, fork is an operation whereby a process creates a copy of itself. It is usually a system call, implemented in the kernel. Fork is the primary (and historically, only) method of process creation on Unix-like operating systems. In multitasking operating systems, processes (running programs) need a way to create new processes, e.g. to run other programs. Fork and its variants are typically the only way of doing so in Unix-like systems. For a process to start the execution of a different program, it first forks to create a copy of itself. Then, the copy, called the 'child process', calls the exec system call to overlay itself with the other program: it ceases execution of its former program in favor of the other. The fork operation creates a separate address space for the child. The child process has an exact copy of all the memory segments of the parent process. In modern UNIX variants that follow the virtual memory model from SunOS-4.0, copy-on-write semantics are implemented and the physical memory need not be actually copied. Instead, virtual memory pages in both processes may refer to the same pages of physical memory until one of them writes to such a page: then it is copied. This optimization is important in the common case where fork is used in conjunction with exec to execute a new program: typically, the child process performs only a small set of actions before it ceases execution of its program in favour of the program to be started, and it requires very few, if any, of its parent's data structures. When a process calls fork, it is deemed the parent process and the newly created process is its child. After the fork, both processes not only run the same program, but they resume execution as though both had called the system call. They can then inspect the call's return value to determine their status, child or parent, and act accordingly. One of the earliest references to a fork concept appeared in A Multiprocessor System Design by Melvin Conway, published in 1962. Conway's paper motivated the implementation by L. Peter Deutsch of fork in the GENIE time-sharing system, where the concept was borrowed by Ken Thompson for its earliest appearance in Research Unix. Fork later became a standard interface in POSIX. The child process starts off with a copy of its parent's file descriptors. For interprocess communication, the parent process will often create a pipe or several pipes, and then after forking the processes will close the ends of the pipes that they don't need. Vfork is a variant of fork with the same calling convention and much the same semantics, but only to be used in restricted situations. It originated in the 3BSD version of Unix, the first Unix to support virtual memory. It was standardized by POSIX, which permitted vfork to have exactly the same behavior as fork, but was marked obsolescent in the 2004 edition and was replaced by posix_spawn() (which is typically implemented via vfork) in subsequent editions. When a vfork system call is issued, the parent process will be suspended until the child process has either completed execution or been replaced with a new executable image via one of the 'exec' family of system calls. The child borrows the MMU setup from the parent and memory pages are shared among the parent and child process with no copying done, and in particular with no copy-on-write semantics; hence, if the child process makes a modification in any of the shared pages, no new page will be created and the modified pages are visible to the parent process too. Since there is absolutely no page copying involved (consuming additional memory), this technique is an optimization over plain fork in full-copy environments when used with exec. In POSIX, using vfork for any purpose except as a prelude to an immediate call to a function from the exec family (and a select few other operations) gives rise to undefined behavior. As with vfork, the child borrows data structures rather than copying them, vfork is still faster than a fork that uses copy on write semantics. System V did not support this function call before System VR4 was introduced, because the memory sharing that it causes is error-prone:

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