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Technical performance measure

Technical performance measures (TPM) is a term used by the US military to refer to key technical goals that needed to be met, where the technical goals were vital for the functioning of a system in its environment.'... we know that the regular demonstration through test or prediction, extrapolation, or other forecasting technique, of the degree of actual or anticipated achievement of selected technical goals or objectives of a system, component, or equipment project/program and an accounting, in the causal sense, for the difference between the result of this status reading and that which was planned, in a fashion which permits appropriate managers to take timely action on indicated problems.' Technical performance measures (TPM) is a term used by the US military to refer to key technical goals that needed to be met, where the technical goals were vital for the functioning of a system in its environment. TPM is defined as 'the continuing prediction and demonstration of the degree of anticipated or actual achievement of selected technical objectives.' A definition given by Dr. Norman Waks, formerly Director of Defense Research and Engineering in the Office of the Secretary of Defense is as follows:

[ "Technical communication" ]
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