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Hypancistrus zebra

The zebra pleco (Hypancistrus zebra) is a species of catfish endemic to Brazil where it occurs in the Big Bend area of the Xingu River, a tributary of the Amazon River, and was first described in the early 1990s. It gets its name from its black and white stripes, resembling the colouration of a zebra. This species grows to a length of 6.4 centimetres (2.5 in) SL. This fish was exported from Brazil in great numbers for sale as aquarium fish. However, currently the Brazilian government bans the export of certain Hypancistrus, including H. zebra. H. zebra is threatened by the construction of the Belo Monte Dam in the Xingu river which will cause a severe reduction of the water flow of the entire known distribution range of the species. Due to this, the species has been classified as endangered and may soon become extinct in the wild. It is subject to several captive breeding programs. Mature males have a larger head and longer interopercular spines than females. After spawning, the males will guard the eggs. The fry swim after seven days and absorb the yolk sac in two weeks. Hypancistrus zebra is called L046,L098 in terms of the L-numbering convention often applied to Loricariidae. H. zebra is a predator and requires a high protein diet. Their diet should include small invertebrates such as chironomid-larva. It enjoys live, fresh and frozen bloodworm. This species should not be kept in the typical community aquarium, or with discus fish, despite advice to the contrary. These catfish thrive in biotopes with small dither fish which do not compete for food. The tank should mimic their natural environment with a substrate of small smooth gravel and pebbles with smooth boulders, cobbles and rocks forming caves and crevices. The water must be highly oxygenated with a strong flow and surface agitation. It is an expensive specimen, due to the fact it is rarely available. It is a hard fish to keep, as it needs clear water and a fast moving current. They are unable to survive in still water or dirty quarters. It is nocturnal, moderately territorial, and prefers plenty of hiding places.

[ "Loricariidae", "Endangered species" ]
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