Effect of Aqueous Extract of Phoenix dactylifera Pollen on Dopamine System of Nucleus Accumbens in Male Rats

Background: Dopamine has been known to facilitate male sexual function. Methods: The effect of aqueous extract (140 mg/kg) of Phoenix dactylifera date palm pollen on sexual behavior and determining of dopamine transmission in the nucleus accumbens was studied in male rats using in vivo microdialysis. Results: Releasing of dopamine increased significantly in the nucleus accumbens when a receptive female was introduced behind a screen (p 0.001). During copulation, dopamine increased markedly in control and treated rats. Phoenix dactylifera Date Palm Pollen enhanced the orientation of males towards females by increasing mounting and ano-genital investigatory behavior. Improving of sexual behavior and dopamine release was higher in treated rats in comparison with control (p 0.001). Conclusion: These results indicate a neurochemical basis for interaction between dopaminergic agents and male sexual behavior. Therefore, Phoenix dactylifera Date Palm Pollen seems to act as a dopamine agonist and to cure male infertility. It can be used as an aphrodisiac that leads to further increases in dopamine release.
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