Comparação de diferentes métodos para identificação do limiar anaeróbio em nadadores - doi: 10.4025/reveducfis.v22i2.9998

The objectives of this study were to compare different methods to predict the MLSS, verify the correlation between the critical velocity (VC) and anaerobic threshold (ATh) and identify the blood lactate’s stability occurrence during the swimming. The sample was composed by 9 male swimmers. For direct determination of AT4mM, it was used three repetitions of 400m of crawl stroke at 80%, 85% and 90% of the maximal velocity. The indirect measures were the CV that was determined from the linear regression between the distances and the respective times (200m, 400m and 700m) and the AThequation obtained by the 700m performance. No differences were found among the ATh4mM, AThequation ¬and the CV. It can be concluded that the indirect protocols are valid to predict the velocity correspondent to the ATh and, therefore, are more practical and of less financial cost to be used to evaluate the aerobic capacity in moderately trained swimmers.
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