Simulated X-59 on- and off-design sonic boom levels in realistic atmospheres for noise dose range estimation

NASA is planning several community noise surveys across the USA using the X-59 low-boom aircraft. These surveys require a range of noise levels to resolve a dose-response relationship. The X-59 was designed to produce a shaped sonic boom with a Stevens’ Perceived Level (PL) of 75 dB or less across the boom carpet in a standard atmosphere. However, the X-59’s flight condition can be adjusted to produce levels other than 75 PLdB to obtain a range of doses during community testing. Simulated nearfield pressure waveforms of the X-59 C612A in its on-design condition (Mach 1.4 at 53 200 ft) and an off-design condition at a lower altitude (Mach 1.4 at 46 000 ft) were propagated using PCBoom through realistic atmospheres over the span of one year at several locations across the country. The predicted on-design and off-design boom levels and carpet widths are presented, resulting in a preliminary estimate of the dose range that the X-59 may produce. Future work is planned with additional off-design conditions to assess the true capable dose range of the X-59.
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