Shared vulnerability for connectome alterations across psychiatric and neurological brain disorders

Macroscale white matter pathways form the infrastructure for large-scale communication in the human brain, a prerequisite for healthy brain function. Conversely, disruptions in the brain9s connectivity architecture are thought to play an important role in a wide range of psychiatric and neurological brain disorders. Here we show that especially connections important for global communication and network integration are involved in a wide range of brain disorders. We report on a meta-analytic connectome study comprising in total 895 patients and 1,016 controls across twelve neurological and psychiatric disorders. We extracted disorder connectome fingerprints for each of these twelve disorders, which were then combined into a cross-disorder disconnectivity involvement map, representing the involvement of each brain pathway across brain disorders. Our findings show connections central to the brain9s infrastructure are disproportionally involved across a wide range of disorders. Connections critical for global network communication and integration display high disturbance across disorders, suggesting a general cross-disorder involvement and importance of these pathways in normal function. Taken together, our cross-disorder study suggests a convergence of disconnectivity across disorders to a partially shared disconnectivity substrate of central connections.
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