Water mass shapes the distribution patterns of planktonic ciliates (Alveolata, Ciliophora) in the subtropical Pearl River Estuary.

Abstract Ciliates comprise essential components of microzooplankton in diverse marine environments. However, the extent to which environmental variables shape the distribution of planktonic ciliates in complex estuarine systems remains unclear. Here, 52 samples were collected from the Pearl River Estuary, China to reveal the influence of environmental variables on planktonic ciliate communities. Distinct community compositions of ciliates were found in three identified water masses: Pearl River diluted water mass, South China Sea surface water mass, and South China Sea bottom water mass. Significant differences in abundance, biomass, cell size, and oral diameter structure of ciliates were also detected among the three water masses. The partial Mantel test showed that water mass (as represented by water temperature and salinity) surpassed other environmental variables to be the primary factor driving the dynamics of the ciliate community. This study revealed the controlling mechanisms of planktonic ciliate communities in a subtropical, hydrographically complex estuarine ecosystem.
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