VINSON/AUTOVON Interface Applique for the Modem, Digital Data, AN/GSC-38

Abstract : The primary objective of this program was to provide a high quality, inexpensive secure voice terminal over commonly available transmission sources such as AUTOVON. A significant breakthrough achieved by RADC under the 16 KB modem Program offers the potential of providing significantly improved secure voice service in the near term (1980-81). The breakthrough was achieved by interfacing the VINSON (an existing 16 KB Voice Digitizer/Crypto Device) with the RADC 16 KB Modem to permit operation over dialed-up unconditioned AUTOVON telephone circuits. Six VINSON/16 KB Modem Terminals were fabricated, tested, and successfully demonstrated to the DoD Secure Voice Community. Demonstrations were presented to numerous General Officers and other high-level DoD officials at the Pentagon, Defense Communications Agency, Tactical Air Command, US readiness Command, Strategic Air Command, North American Defense Command, Aerospace Defense Command, USAFE, USEUCOM, USNAVEUR, USNAVCAMSMED, AFSC/CC at 'Horizon South-80' and at the tactical exercise 'Gallant Eagle-80'. All participants in the demonstrations were very impressed with the flexibility and excellent voice quality provided by the VINSON/16 KB Modem Secure Voice Terminal and they all support its use in improving the DoD Secure Voice System (AUTOSEVOCOM) and in satisfying their unique secure voice communications needs.
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