Selective 5-lipoxygenase expression in langerhans cells and impaired dendritic cell migration in 5-LO-deficient mice reveal leukotriene action in skin

5-Lipoxygenase (5-LO) catalyzes the initial steps in the formation of leukotrienes (LTs), which are implicated in immune reactions. Recently, it was shown that FITC-triggered epidermal Langerhans cell (LC) emigration to draining lymph nodes (LNs) is impaired in LTC 4 export pump (multidrug resistance-associated protein 1)-deficient mice. Here, we sought genetic evidence for a role of endogenous LTs in dendritic cell function through the study of 5-LO-deficient mice. Though DC numbers in skin, spleen, and peripheral LNs were similar in both 5-LO-deficient and wild-type (WT) mice, DC homing from skin to draining LNs induced by FITC was reduced by 75% in 5-LO-deficient mice. Moreover, in WT mice, all epidermal LCs, dermal langerin + LCs, and subsets of dermal macrophages and langerin + LCs in T-cell areas of skin-draining LNs markedly expressed 5-LO. However, the enzyme was noticeably absent in all DC subsets of the dermis, thymus, spleen, Peyer's patches, mesenteric LNs, and mucosal surfaces of lung and intestine. As all epidermal cells other than LCs lacked 5-LO and because differentiation and activation of DCs generated from 5-LO-deficient mice in vitro were normal, these data support a selective role of endogenous LTs in DC homing following skin sensitization.
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