A nyálmirigyek szekréciós tevékenysége ép és kóros körülmények között, különös tekintettel a hyposalivatióval járó állapotokra. = Secretory function of salivary glands in normal and pathological conditions with especial regard to the hyposalivation

A nyalmirigyek dysfunktioja es strukturalis valtozasai kovetkezteben kialakulo hyposalivatio az idős koruak jelentős hanyadat erinti. Primer Sjogren szindromaban (pSS) a labialis mirigyekben az SP, NPY, GAL immunreaktiv (IR) idegrostok szama csokkent, mig a VIP, TH IR fokozodott. Csak a pSS mintakban volt kimutathato nagyszamu SP es NPY IR immunokompetens sejt. SS-ben a kevert nyal szekrecio csokkenese ellenere a palatinalis szekrecio nem valtozott. Kiemelendő, hogy az AQP5 dontően a human labialis mirigyek apikalis plazma membranjan lokalizalodik. A szekrecio leallitasa nem idezi elő az AQP5 translokaciojat. Gusztatorikus ingerles 2-3-szorosra fokozza a kevert es a labialis nyal szekreciot. A labialis nyalban amilaz aktivitas detektalhato, ami stimulaciora fokozodik. NO patkany parotis amilaz szekreciojat nem befolyasolja. Sialadenektomia-t kovetően a kisnyalmirigyek funkcionalis aktivitasa fokozodik patkanyoknal. A szajuregben ilyenkor is detektalhato EGF in situ regeneracio lehetősegere utal. Nyers szoja taplalas patkany parotis jelentős hypertrofiajat/hyperplaziajat idezi elő. Ez az uj altalunk leirt modell a parotisban zajlo proliferacio mechanizmusanak tanulmanyozasat segiti elő. A sejt proliferacio es az azt kovető apoptozis kozotti szoros osszefugges mutathato ki patkanyok gl. parotisaban | The majority of elderly population suffers from hyposalivation due to dysfunction and structural alterations of salivary glands. In labial glands of primary Sjogren?s syndrome the number of the SP, NPY, GAL immunoreactive (IR) nerve terminals was decreased, while the number of VIP and TH IR nerve fibres was increased. A large number of immunocompetent cells showed IR for SP and NPY in pSS. Despite the decrease in the flow rate of whole saliva in SS patients, palatal secretion was not changed. It was pointed out that AQP5 predominantly localized in the apical plasma membrane of human labial glands. Cessation of the secretion was not associated with translocation of AQP5 between intracellular structures and the apical plasma membrane. Gustatory stimulation resulted in a 2-3 hold increase of both whole and labial gland secretion. Amylase activity was detected in labial gland saliva which was further increased by stimulation. Amylase secretion does not appear to be modulated by endogenous nitric oxide. Functional activity of rat minor salivary glands was increased following ablation. Presence of EGF in the oral cavity of sialadenectomized animals suggests the existence of an in situ regeneration mechanism. Raw soy feeding induced marked hypertrophy/hyperplasia of rat parotid. Soy-hypertrophy is a valuable new model to understand the mechanism of parotid tissue proliferation. A close relationship has been established between parotid cell proliferation and subsequent apoptosis.
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