Yoksulluğa dayalı sosyal risklerin azaltılması: Ankara-Yeni Hayat Mahallesi pilot proje uygulaması

“Yoksulluga Dayali Sosyal Risklerin Azaltilmasi: Ankara-Yeni Hayat Mahallesi Pilot Proje Uygulamasi” baslikli bu projenin amaci, yerel halkin katilimini saglayarak, yoksullugun yarattigi sosyal riskleri minimum duzeye indirecek politika ve programlarin gelistirilmesine yardimci bir veri tabani saglayacak sosyolojik bir degerlendirmeyi ortaya koymaktir.Bu amac dogrultusunda ortaya konulan survey calismasinda, proje alani icinde yasayan halkin yoksullugu ve yoksunlugu sosyolojik olarak; sosyo-demografik, ekonomik, kulturel ve sosyal iliskiler baglaminda ele alinmaktadir. Bu degerlendirme sonucunda sosyal riskleri azaltmaya dayali alt-projeler gelistirilerek degisik cozum onerileri ortaya konulmaktadir.Arastirma birimini Altindag Ilcesi Yeni Hayat Mahallesi haneleri olusturmaktadir. Veriler hane reisi ve hane bireyleri duzeyinde gorusme formlari araciligiyla toplanmistir. (Aim of this Project titled as” Mitigation of Social Risks Related to the Povety: Pilot Project Implementatin in Ankara- Yeni Hayat” is to provide the participation of local people to determine the politics to mitigate social risk related to poverty. In order to do this, with this Project, sociological analysis of data that are obtained from survey is evaluated.With regard to this aim, the suvey conducted in this Project makes a sociological examination of poverty and deprivation of people in Yeni Hayat in context of socio-demographic, economic, cultural, and social relations. At the end of this evaluation, by developing sub-projects to mitigate social problems, various kinds of solution propositions are made.Unit of research is households of Yeni Hayat district. Data are gathered by interview Schedule that applied to both head of household an done member of family who can give information about his/her own family)
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