Fifty Shades of Green: Towards a Robust Measure of Inter-annotator Agreement for Continuous Signals

Continuous human annotations of complex human experiences are essential for enabling psychological and machine-learned inquiry into the human mind, but establishing a reliable set of annotations for analysis and ground truth generation is difficult. Measures of consensus or agreement are often used to establish the reliability of a collection of annotations and thereby purport their suitability for further research and analysis. This work examines many of the commonly used agreement metrics for continuous-scale and continuous-time human annotations and demonstrates their shortcomings, especially in measuring agreement in general annotation shape and structure. Annotation quality is carefully examined in a controlled study where the true target signal is known and evidence is presented suggesting that annotators' perceptual distortions can be modeled using monotonic functions. A novel measure of agreement is proposed which is agnostic to these perceptual differences between annotators and provides unique information when assessing agreement. We illustrate how this measure complements existing agreement metrics and can serve as a tool for curating a reliable collection of human annotations based on differential consensus.
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