Gender domain adaptation for automatic speech recognition

This paper is focused on the finetuning of acoustic models for speaker adaptation goals on a given gender. We pretrained the Transformer baseline model on Librispeech-960 and conducted experiments with finetuning on the gender-specific test subsets. The obtained word error rate (WER) relatively to the baseline is up to 5% and 3% lower on male and female subsets, respectively, if the layers in the encoder and decoder are not frozen, and the tuning is started from the last checkpoints. Moreover, we adapted our base model on the complete L2 Arctic dataset of accented speech and finetuned it for particular speakers and male and female genders separately. The models trained on the gender subsets obtained 1–2% lower WER when compared to the model tuned on the whole L2 Arctic dataset. Finally, it was experimentally confirmed that the concatenation of the pretrained voice embeddings (x-vector) and embeddings from a conventional encoder cannot significantly improve the speech recognition accuracy.
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