State and municipal administration: problems and prospects of development in modern Russia

The paper explores the issues related to the development of the state and municipal administration in contemporary Russia. The basic approaches to the understanding of the development prospects of public administration in the modern post-Soviet space and its features are described. The essential-substantive characteristic of the term “state and municipal administration” is considered in detail. A comparative analysis of various approaches to the understanding of urban governance as a social phenomenon was carried out. A review of the scientific and educational literature of Russian researchers on this issue is presented. The point of view of foreign authors on the problem of public administration in the Western states is also considered. The main problems that are characteristic for the state and municipal administration in modern Russia, which are mostly of organizational nature, are identified. Inefficiency of the whole system is caused by the incompetence of the most officials. The situation is exacerbated by the presence of corruption when employees use their official position and status for personal selfish purposes. The authors propose to improve the administration system at the state and municipal levels by transforming the activities of employees in such spheres as information transparency, participatory orientation and effectiveness. The implementation of these measures will eliminate the existing problematic issues that do not allow realizing the full range of advantages provided by the administrative system.
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