Detection of KDR l1014f mutation in pyrethroids susceptible Anopheles gambiae S.L from Ladanai, Kano state, northwest Nigeria

Insecticides resistance has been a major challenge in malaria control effort worldwide. Understanding specie composition and their resistance mechanisms towards the major insecticides for vector control will greatly contribute in overcoming these phenomena. Larvae of anopheles mosquitoes collected from Ladanai, Nasarawa Local Govt, were reared to adults, after morphological identification of An gambiae s.l and their resistance profile, DNA extracts were used for determination of molecular specie composition and detection of kdr 1014F mutation. The result of the study shows that An gambiae s.l, the major malaria vector in the study site where highly resistant to pyretheroids permethrin and delatmethrin insecticides. Although some traces of An gambiae ss and An arabiensis were detected, An colluzii is the major molecular form specie identified in the site. High frequency of Kdr 1014F mutation was detected in phyretheroids susceptible An gambiae ss followed by An colluzii and least in An arabiensis. The finding of this study established insecticides resistance in the study site which may be associated with presence of KDR 1014F mutation triggered by indiscriminate use of insecticides for residential and agricultural purposes. Establishment of Insecticides resistance in the study site and predominance of An colluzii coupled with high frequency of Kdr 1014F mutation can guide the stake holders in implementing the most appropriate measures of vector control strategy in the study area.
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