The scientific community has shown that the genetic improvement of dairy cattle depends on many genotypic factors, including paternal ancestry and lineage. With this in mind, the purpose of our research was to evaluate the Holstein bulls of black-and-white and red-and-white suits of different lines for the milk productivity of their daughters. The research was carried out on the basis of primary breeding records of 10 breeding herds of Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed, 3 – Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed and one – Ukrainian Red Dairy breed, which are subordinated to NAAS. Cows of the studied breeds has divided into groups according to lineage and paternal origin. Studies have revealed a significant differentiation of milk yield of cows of the first and highest lactation not only of one breed, but also of linear affiliation and paternal origin. It was found that the yield of the first lactation in cows of the Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed varied from 3211 kg (Damir 7100354042) to 7884 kg (Dzhokus 113080315) of milk. Noteworthy are the daughters of Dzhokus 113080315, from which 9143 kg of milk were obtained for higher lactation, Polyarsten 342347941 and Manteno 344222859 – 8248 kg and 8290 kg of milk, respectively. The significant influence of paternal origin on the yield of Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed cows of the first and higher lactation (31.0%; P > 0.999) and 37.3% has been proved; P > 0.999). The influence of genealogical formation on the milk productivity of cows was significant and amounted to 10.8% for the first lactation, higher – 10.2%. Some of the first-born Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed has characterized by high milk productivity, which steadily increased until the third and higher lactation. The yield of cows of the Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed of the first lactation varied from 5414 kg (Dialog 2009) to 6689 kg (Larets 6177), testifying to better homogeneity of herds in terms of milk productivity compared to the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed. The highest yield of the third and highest lactation – 7626 kg, had cows-daughters of the bull Roman 660886883 Starbuck line 352790. The variability of milking cows of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed of the first and highest lactation by 25.0% and 15.2%, respectively, was due to the influence of the father offspring and to a lesser extent – belonging to the line. A very high (6517–8013 kg) realization potential of milking cows of the Ukrainian Red Dairy breed was established, but it also depended on the paternal origin and linear affiliation. The highest yield of the first lactation were shown by the daughters of the bull Belisar 365235897, Dzhorin 114414759 and Tumpi 112367468, who produced 8013 kg, 7323 kg and 7170 kg of milk, respectively. In cows of this breed it was found that yield increased with increasing serial number of lactation, with the third and higher lactation cows produced more than 8000 kg of milk per lactation, and the daughters of bull Dzhorin 114414759 – more than 9000 kg. The influence of the bull on the milk productivity of the first-born cows of the Ukrainian Red Dairy breed (16.7%; P > 0.999) is almost three times higher than this linear affiliation. Significant phenotypic variability of milk productivity of cows of different breeds of half-sisters by the father is established. The advantage of the daughters of the bull Belisar 365235897 of the Ukrainian Red Dairy breed on milking of the first lactation over the representatives of the Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed was 1932 kg (p < 0.001). The difference in milk yield of the first lactation of the half-sisters by the father, the bull Konbeo 579810507 was 1007 kg (p < 0.01), and Roman 660886883 – 717 kg. Thus, a significant phenotypic variability of milk productivity of cows of different breeds of half-sisters by father was established. At the same time, regardless of the breeder, the cows of the Ukrainian Red Dairy breed were characterized by higher milk yield of the first lactation in comparison with the Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed.
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