Programa de vinculación de la carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental en escenarios urbanos y rurales del área de influencia de la UTEQ.

The relevance of this study is the significant contribution of the environmental engineering students through application of the linkage programme. Based on the execution of research projects of development and innovation in environmental culture, to strengthen the need for programs of environmental education as a transverse axis to communities both urban and rural. The solution of nine environmental problems identified in the analysis of relevance of the National Plan of the good living in the project of redesign of the race and the transformation of processes at the society is the result of the intervention of the University and career, to improve the conditions of life of our citizens and preservation of natural resources. This research considered zone 5 as a study area and the nine environmental problems identified in the PNBV, through the analysis of relevance of the project of redesigning the race.Was elaborated a diagnostic that showed a greater involvement of the engineering degree in environmental management in Quevedo, Valencia, El Empalme, Buena Fe, Patricia Pilar, La Mana and Quinsaloma; with 71 educational institutions, 9 communities and 7326 persons trained in three years. The development of the logical framework tool, determined that environmental degradation by human settlements in urban and rural areas is the result of an inadequate organizational structure of populations with a little sustainable productive matrix, poor implementationof measures of environmental protection, improper disposal and solid waste treatment; and energy deficiency and use of green energy. that affects the quality of life ofthe population To achieve the incorporation of ecoefficient smart cities in zone 5, you must increase the area of action of bonding, starting with the GAD´s parish, cantonal and provincial; through the implementation of the proposed projects in each organization of the main actors; and that they are made of a diagnosis, the deployment tool required with environmental rules and an evaluation that determines the efficiency, to thusstrengthen legend behavior that denotes change the discrepancy between saying and doing.
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