The development of compensatory hypertrophy in the plantaris muscle of the rat

Summary The aim of this investigation was to study the time course of compensatory hypertrophy (CH) over a seven week period after its surgical induction in the lower limb of the rat. CH of the left plantaris muscle of the rat was induced by denervation of the ipsilateral gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Muscle fibres were classifed as type I, I c, II a and II b. Hypertrophy of the muscle was first observed about ten days after induction of CH. All fibre types appeared to contribute to this hypertrophy. During the period between four and twenty eight days there was a marked increase in the percentage of type I fibres, mainly at the expense of type II a, as compared with control muscles. During this CH period so called ‘intermediate’ Ic fibres were found, indicating fibre type transition taking place. The isometric twitch time to peak tension (TPT) of the plantaris muscle was studied in situ. The TPT of CH muscles remained the same during the experimental period of seven weeks. This might be explained by the effect of the increase in type I (slow) fibres being masked by the far larger number of fast fibres, which still accounted for approximately 79% of the total number of fibres after CH.
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