Corrigendum to “Inhibition of Te surfactant effect on surface morphology of heavily Te-doped GaAs” [J. Cryst. Growth 383C (2013) 30–35]

The authors regret that two samples were erroneously inserted in Figs. 7 and 8. Figs. 7 and 8 should be modified to the figures presented here, where two AFM scans were removed from each. These images were performed on samples that had thicker layers than the others. This difference can lead to different trends in morphology. However, removing these images does not affect the discussion nor the conclusion of the paper, as those trends were not used in the reasoning presented. The text description should however be modified. On page 33, the following paragraph describing the removed scans should be removed: However, a change in the type of morphology is observed at a growth temperature of 565 1C where a higher growth rate induces a third type of morphology, called rippled, characterized by parallel wave-like structures. Fig. 7(a) shows such a morphology type. The paragraph describing Fig. 8 should be modified to
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