Parallel Software Engineering Technology Forecast, Blue Ribbon Panel Conclusions. Volume 1.

Abstract : Rome Laboratory developed a 'Parallel Software Technology Forecast' to identify the parallel software engineering technology that will be required to meet Air Force needs for mission-critical software in a High Performance Computing environment for the next decade. It concentrated on the quality and cost issues of software development for Command, Control, and Communications (C31) applications and addressed the following goals: (1) anticipate technology directions of the parallel computer industry and forecast parallel software technology capabilities; (2) identify key C31 factors in the Air Force and show what the implications of HPC might be on the Air Force's ability to develop productive and efficient C31 applications software; and (3) compare and contrast Air Force needs for parallel software technology to that in the commercial sector. Rome Laboratory assembled a distinguished Blue Ribbon Panel consisting of seven technical experts, and solicited position papers from a broader range of position makers from academia, government, and industry.
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