Coal mine combustion products: conveyor belts

The Federal Bureau of Mines, under a contract with Ultrasystems, Inc., investigated the thermal oxidative degradation characteristics of conveyor belts used in underground mines. This included the determination of smoke evolution, glow characteristics, char yields, and the identification and quantification of all volatile decomposition products in the form of gram of specific product formed per gram of belt sample tested. In addition to these investigations, degradation studies were conducted on some pure ingredients used in conveyor-belt formulations. Three basic classes of belts were investigated: neoprene, polyvinyl chloride, and styrene-butadiene rubber compositions. The studies indicate that styrene-butadiene-based belts exhibit good flame resistance and are the least hazardous in regard to overall formation of toxic decomposition products. Under this program, thermogravimetric analysis was definitely established as a method of material differentiation.
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